Submit Your Feedback Enter Student Details DEPARTMENT Select Department MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING ELECTRICALS AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING ACADEMIC YEAR Select Academic Year 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 SEMESTER Select Semester SEM 1 SEM 2 SEM 3 SEM 4 SEM 5 SEM 6 SEM 7 SEM 8 SUBJECT Has the time that was spent on the staff/student contact periods been used effectively? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer is well prepared for classes? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer states objectives for each class session? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY Did the lecturer promote the right learning skills? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer links different parts of the course to show how topics relate? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer is clear and understandable in his explanations? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer makes good use of examples/ practical illustrations? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The teacher is helpful if I encounter difficulties with the lecture/unit? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The teacher stimulates my interest in the subject? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer ask questions to promote interactions and give opinion? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer focuses our attention on the thinking processes and not just on the product/answers? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer monitors student understanding of the work? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer invites students to share their experiences and knowledge? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY Teacher is courteous and impartial in dealing with the students? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer engages classes regularly and maintains discipline? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY The lecturer gives tests/evaluation /assignments in line with the learning and course outcomes? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY Teacher covers the syllabus completely and at appropriate pace? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY Teacher is prompt in valuving and returning the answer scripts providing feedback on performance? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY In general I am satisfied with teacher’s teaching? EXCELLENT VERY GOOD GOOD SATISFACTORY Submit